OpenCV Computer Vision with Python: Learn to capture videos, manipulate images, and track objects
with Python using the OpenCV Library
What this book covers
Chapter 1, Setting up OpenCV, lets us examine the steps to setting up Python, OpenCV, and related libraries on windows, mac and ubuntu. We also discuss OpenCV community, documentation, and official code samples
Chapter 2, Handling Files, Cameras, and GUIs, helps us discuss OpenCV's I/O
functionality. Then, using an object-oriented design, we write an application
that displays a live camera feed, handles keyboard input, and writes video
and still image files
Chapter 3, Filtering Images, helps us to write image filters using OpenCV, NumPy, and SciPy. The filter effects include linear color manipulations, curve color manipulations blurring, sharpening, and outlining edges. We modify our application to apply some of these filters to the live camera feed
Chapter 4, Tracking Faces with Haar Cascades, allows us to write a hierarchical face tracker that use OpenCV to locate faces, eyes, noses, and mouths in an image. We also write functions for copying and resizing regions of an image. We modify our our application so that it finds and manipulates faces in the camera feed
Chapter 5, Detecting Foreground/Background Regions and Depth, helps us learn about the types of data that OpenCV can capture from depth cameras( with the support of OpenNI and SensorKinect). Then, we write functions that use such data to limit an
effect to a foreground region. We incorporate this functionality in our application so that we can further refine the face regions before manipulating them
Appendix A, Integrating with Pygame, lets us modify our application to use Pygame instead of OpenCV for handling certain I/O events (Pygame offers more diverse event handling functionality)
Appendix B, Generating Haar Cascades for Custom Targets, allows us to examine a set of OpenCV tools that enable us to build tracker for any type of object or pattern, not necessarily faces