Oracle Database XML C++ API Reference

Oracle Database XML C++ API Reference



This reference describes Oracle XML Developer's Kits (XDK) and Oracle XML DB APIs for the C programming language. It primarily lists the syntax of functions, methods, and procedures associated with these APIs.

This guide is intended for developers building XML applications in Oracle.

To use this document, you need a basic understanding of object-oriented programming concepts, familiarity with Structured Query Language (SQL), and working knowledge of application development using the C programming language

1. Package Ctx APIs for C++
2. Package Dom APIs for C++
3. Package IO APIs for C++
4. Package OracleXml APIs for C++
5. Package Parser APIs for C++
6. Package SOAP APIs for C++
7. Package Tools APIs for C++
8. Package XPath APIs for C++
9. Package XPointer APIs for C++
10. Package Xsl APIs for C++

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