Wireshark for Security Professionals - Using Wireshark and the Metasploit Framework
Welcome to Wireshark for Security Professionals. This was an exciting
book for us to write. A combined effort of a few people with varied
backgrounds—spanning information security, software development,
and online virtual lab development and teaching—this book should
appeal and relate to many people.
Wireshark is the tool for capturing and analyzing network traffic.
Originally named Ethereal but changed in 2006, Wireshark is well
established and respected among your peers. But you already knew that,
or why would you invest your time and money in this book? What you're
really here for is to delve into how Wireshark makes your job easier and
your skills more effective.
How This Book Is Organized
The book is structured on the assumption that readers will start from
the beginning and then work through the main content. The initial three
chapters not only introduce the title application Wireshark but also the
technology to be used for the labs, along with the basic concepts
required of the reader. Readers already familiar with Wireshark should
still work through the lab setup chapter, since future chapters depend on
the work being done. These first three chapters are necessary to cover
first, before putting the following chapters to use.
The majority of the book that follows is structured to discuss Wireshark
in the context of information security. Whether capturing, analyzing, or
confirming attacks, the book's main content and its labs are designed to
most benefit information security professionals.
The final chapter is built around the scripting language Lua. Lua greatly
increases Wireshark's flexability as an already powerful network
analyzer. Initially, the Lua scripts were scattered thoughout chapters,
but they were later combined into a single chapter all their own. It was
also appreciated that not all readers are coders, so Lua scripts are better
served through one go-to resource.
Here's a summary of the book's contents:
Chapter 1, “Introducing Wireshark,” is best for the professional with
little to no experience with Wireshark. The main goal is to help you
avoid being overwhelmed, introduce the interface, and show how
Wireshark can be your friend.
Chapter 2, “Setting Up the Lab,” is not to be skipped. Starting with
setting up a virtualized machine, this chapter then sets up the W4SP
Lab, which you will use several times in upcoming chapters.
Chapter 3, “The Fundamentals,” covers basic concepts and is divided into
three parts: networking, information security, and packet analysis. The
book assumes most readers might be familiar with at least one or two
areas, but the chapter makes no assumptions.
Chapter 4, “Capturing Packets,” discusses network captures, or the
recording of network packets. We take a deep dive into how Wireshark captures, manipulates capture files, and interprets the packets. There's
also a discussion around working with the variety of devices you
encounter on a network.
Chapter 5, “Diagnosing Attacks,” makes good use of the W4SP Lab, recreating
various attacks commonly seen in the real world. Man in the
middle attacks, spoofing various services, denial of service attacks and
more are all discussed.
Chapter 6, “Offensive Wireshark,” also covers malicous traffic, but from
the hacker's perspective. Wireshark and the W4SP Lab are again relied
on to launch, debug, and understand exploits.
Chapter 7, “Decrypting TLS, Capturing USB, Keyloggers, and Network
Graphing,” is a mash-up of more activities as we leverage Wireshark.
From decrypting SSL/TLS traffic to capturing USB traffic across multiple
platforms, this chapter promises to demonstrate something you can use
wherever you work or play.
Chapter 8, “Scripting with Lua,” contains about 95% of the book's script
content. It starts simple with scripting concepts and Lua setup, whether
you're working on Windows or Linux. Scripts start with “Hello, World”
but lead to packet counting and far more complex topics. Your scripts
will both enhance the Wireshark graphic interface and run from the
command line.
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